Our Doors Opened 18th February 2023!

The Wellness Within Spa Club is now open for members to take up the 7 day free membership offer.

Since the inception early 2022, the Wellness Spa has been developing it’s content, rooms, training, courses and facilities. We have teamed up with a range of professional life coaches in various areas; fitness, diet, mindfulness, beauty and more. These coaches are inside the club with additional support, training and expertise! We will be adding and developing our coaching community to make it fresh, relevant and exciting.

You will be able to join and pick a level of membership to suite you. Alongside your membership, there is a community you can join in with. There will be workshops, live events, spotlight sessions and guest speakers. We already have a couple of ‘world experts’ having given permission for their teaching to be inside.

You can feel refreshed, challenged, fine tuned and balanced by following one of our journey planners inside. If you are feeling ‘stuck’, get our mindset training to reset yourself!

As well as being a Wellness Spa for individuals, we will have corporate packages for those with more than a ‘family’ access package.

Our long term goal is to create a community of members who are able to get on with their life to the fullest, with training, support and encouragement. We want your journey with us to be two way. To that end, we have plenty of feedback forms inside to see how we can fine tune your experience and deliver experiences and training that meets you where you are.

So feel free to join in today, not pay anything for 7 days and feel refreshed, challenged and deeply relaxed in body and mind.

Please share & spread the news.

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