Volunteers Voucher Scheme

Volunteers are the lifeblood of many a community, charity or social organisation. Whether it is supporting grass roots sports, working for health related charities or cleaning up the environment. We appreciate the time that volunteers give, and wanted to give something back to the volunteers. So we are launching the Volunteers Voucher Scheme.

What Is The Volunteers Voucher Scheme?

We are launching a Pilot Scheme in Summer 2024. If the scheme works well, we will consider running it out to other registered charities and charitable organisations.

For the pilot we are giving 10 Charities up to 25 vouchers each. Each voucher is to be made available to the volunteers of that charity. It enables those volunteers to sign up and gain access to this Wellness Health Spa for 3 months, with a full Silver level access. This is £60 in value and volunteers can access a wide range of resources, treatment rooms, professional coaches and training. You will be able to go into Spa areas such as Mindfulness, Nutrition, Exercise, Health, Beauty or Life Planning.

Once a volunteer logs in, they have a full 3 month access and then the voucher and their ticket expires. During that time they can access Live Events, Workshops, pick Journey Planners and connect with others and make new friends, alongside all of the treatment rooms, such as Deep Meditation, Stress Detox, Life Planning, Beauty & Confidence, Nutrition & Exercise – in fact, so many room with general and specialist areas, you will be glad you will be amazed by the expertise inside. (During the trial period, some of these events may not be running).

How will members use the spa?

We expect some will come in and focus on a particular area; however, it has been designed to take people on a journey. Starting with balancing mental health and getting a grounded base, they can then work on their physical health, personal appearance (incl: confidence, posture & style) through to goal setting and starting to achieve what you want.

I am not from the UK, can I join?

Yes, we are happy to support charity volunteers from any country, as long as a basic criteria is met.

Do I have to give my card details during the sign up process?

No, you will see a card screen initially, but when you put your voucher code in (supplied by your charity), it will vanish and you only need to put your login details in to gain access. We have a video showing this at the checkout for you – so you are walked through the process.

What happens after the 3 months?

Your account will expire, so you won’t have any further access, your email does remain on our list just in case you want to stay updated as to workshops, webinars or unique training. You can join as a private member after or your charity may have additional tickets available after the scheme has rolled out.

Are there any conditions on my 3 month free membership?

No, there are no conditions, other than the standard T&C’s for membership (behavioural, legal etc). For our members, from time to time we ask them to do a social share of events, challenges or certain areas they found of great use. You will get these, but you are not obliged to do anything.

Are there any terms & conditions?

Yes, as mentioned above. They are displayed at the checkout; please take the time to read them.

Can I have a look first?

Yes, if you make an enquiry and request, we will add you on as a temporary visitor with 24 hours access to look around. That will give you time to look around and assess. If you then decide to register your charity, we will move your details on as the main contact and issue the access vouchers out. Use the form below and ask for your 24 hour pass.

I would like to register my charity on the Pilot scheme, or enquire further, my details are:

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