You are welcome to visit the Spa as a guest, you just enrol, so we know who is visiting and we can make you feel welcome.

Use the enrol button below and within seconds, you will be inside the Spa and you can start to look around and see what our members get.

Bronze – Guest

£0 /month

Explore the spa general areas – free
Sign the day book to enter
Access £20 voucher

  • Access to our support social group
  • Access to the Members Reception
  • Access to Members Club Support Rooms
  • Access to some Webinars

We have special bespoke plans for both businesses who want a corporate staff plan, or organisations who want a group membership access. To find out more, contact our team using the box underneath.

Please include information such as:
1. A best time to contact you back (if you select Phone).
2. Number of staff/members if you are looking at a wellness group package.
3. Anything you feel is relevant before we reply/speak.